0103E - Advanced Voicings - Using Upper Partials

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Upper Partials.png

0103E - Advanced Voicings - Using Upper Partials


Getting control over your voicings is a sign of maturity and being a seasoned player. Most of your learning with advanced voicings will be on the gig. Hearing a soloist and knowing what voicing to play behind him is important. Also knowing what kind/style of voicings to play with a soloist or a band is important.. You probably won't be playing the same voicings in basist Dave Holland's band as in guitarist Peter Berinstein's band.

Your ability to play interesting voicings, to play voicings that smoothly lead to the next voicing, that set up a mood and that excite the soloist, is directly related to the number of gigs you will get. Especially if you are trying to be the chord player in these bands. When played well, the vibes give a band a unique sound and it gives the soloist a fresh perspective on harmony. When a soloist feels like 'his/her stuff', his/her lines, his/her solo feels brand new, then you've made an impact on that soloist.

You need to learn to play the best voicings you can.

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